
The most beautiful women in the world

The most beautiful women in the world

The most beautiful women in the world? More than 70 years ago, the first Miss World competition was held for the first time, then still under the name Bikini Contest. The first crown in history was won by the Swede Kerstin "Kiki" Hakansson. The competition was founded in 1950 by Eric Morley.
Is it possible to define general beauty? And can the general physical beauty of a person be defined? Of course, there are objectively beautiful individuals and the front pages of fashion and lifestyle magazines present beautiful women, but as we know, the ideal of beauty is due to time and changes over time. Every year, the media publishes a list of countries from which the most beautiful women in the world come.

The most beautiful women in the world in 2022?

Although beauty is a very relative concept, we tend to evaluate it every year, so competitions like Miss Universe or Miss Word are created, which only trump in the one that is better. They require very demanding preparation of all finalists, which usually reflects not only physical beauty, but also education and other aspects, but primarily focuses on perfect faces and bodies.

The most beautiful women of the ancient world?

Myth, history and legend provide evidence of old women who were considered beautiful, but for most of them we do not have reliable portraits. Beauty is, of course, in the eyes of the viewer, but all these women have a reputation for being extremely physically attractive.
Aphrodite, the goddess who won the goddess beauty contest that led to the Trojan War, should be counted among the mundane beauties of the world class. However, it is a list of mortals, so Aphrodite (Venus) does not count. Fortunately, the woman was so beautiful that she was used as a model for the statue of Aphrodite. Her beauty was so great that it brought her liberation when she was called. This woman was a courtesan of Phryne, which the famous sculptor Praxiteles used as a model for the statue of Aphrodite of Knid.

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Recent comments

  • Karen 1 week ago
    Deeply feel sorry for the ones that don’t have the means or money to leave. 😢

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    The Secret Service failed. :eek:

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